Rates 2025-2026

Thu, 06 Feb 2025

General Rate Levied for 2025-2026 - Michael District Commissionerrs rates are due to increase from 148p to 161p, an increase of 13p.

Average Household MDC rates - 2025/26 - £18.95 per year - less than 37p a week.

MDC rate for 2021 was 144p and the annual MDC rate increase by current MDC board from 2021 including 2025/26 - 2.95% per year.

The Previous 3 years increases (0%, 1.4% and 1.4%) were kept low as The Commissioners have been mindful of rate increases, especially in the years coming out of the pandemic, and made use of reserves to alleviate the high inflation rates.

Key Increase Items.

Western Civic Amenity Site 2025/26 increase due to higher services and waste disposal costs, which is reflected across most of the LAs for all 4 Island Amenity Sites - 3p

2025 LA election costs - 3p - one off cost every 4 years.

2025/26 Japanese Knotweed removal in Balleira - 3p - second of a three-year programme.

This increase is based on sound financial provision and will ensure a sustainable budget for the future MDC Board to take forward.